Vegan and high cholesterol ... what now?

Updated 18 July 2024

Below are some suggestions on how to lower your cholesterol values (serum cholesterol concentration) and/or triglycerides (serum triacylglyceride concentration).

What types of blood cholesterol levels are there?

The most common test is to assess "total cholesterol", i.e., all types of cholesterol combined. In addition, the so-called good and bad cholesterol values are also assessed. "So-called" because this is a drastic oversimplification.
When we talk about "lowering cholesterol", we are talking about all kinds of cholesterol except HDL cholesterol. If HDL cholesterol is too low (below the reference values), this is considered "bad". However, it is my understanding that focusing on lowering all the bad types of cholesterol (total, LDL, non-HDL, and remnant cholesterol) is most important. Any beneficial effect of increasing HDL cholesterol is extremely uncertain.
In addition to cholesterol concentrations (levels) in the blood, there is the triglyceride concentration (i.e., "blood fats"; triglycerides are often abbreviated as TG or TAG, the latter is for triacylgylcerol, which is the technically "more correct" way of saying it). Triglyceride levels are probably less important than the bad cholesterol, but still values that are too high (see below) aren't ideal for your arteries.
Your arteries (see picture above) are all over your body (deep inside, not the veins you can see superficially, for example on your arms). Arteries carry blood that comes from your heart and, therefore, there is a lot of pressure inside of them and against the artery walls. This pressure (blood pressure) is one factor that over the course of a lifetime, starting in childhood (or even in utero) that will damage your artery walls, leading to atherosclerosis (also called arteriosclerosis). The amount of cholesterol and the number of cholesterol particles floating around in your blood (and therefore arteries) is another very important factor in "creating" atherosclerosis, i.e., accelerating the lifelong process of atherosclerosis. If you can manage to slow down this process of artery damage so much that - theoretically - you would have your first heart attack at 150 years old (no one lives that long), that would be great, because even if you end up living to 110 years old, you would never have a heart attack. It's not just the final "end problem" (such as heart attack or stroke) that can result from atherosclerosis but also the problems "on the way" such as loss of energy as we get older and impaired function or practically all of our organs. Slowing down atherosclerosis is basically slowing down aging (to put it simply).

What you can do ...

Cholesterol levels

This will likely lower your bad cholesterol:

The following can probably also lower your bad cholesterol:

What about bergamot supplements?

The use of bergamot supplements (Citrus bergamia) seems to considerably lower cholesterol levels [Osadnik et al. 2022Sadeghi-Dehsahraei et al. 2022, Cicero et al. 2021]. But there aren't many studies yet.

What about phytosterol-fortified margarine?

The use of phytosterol-enriched margarine (there are vegan brands) to lower cholesterol is still controversial [Scholz et al. 2022]. It is likely to lower cholesterol levels (2–3 g daily lower LDL cholesterol 7–10% [Mirzai & Laffin 2023]) and it is currently recommended as an option for this purpose by the European Atherosclerosis Society [Visseren et al. 2021Mach et al. 2020Gylling et al. 2014], but some researchers have criticized this recommendation because they suspect that high-dose phytosterols in fortified foods might be harmful, i.e., that they promote atherosclerosis rather than preventing it [Zhao et al. 2023Scholz et al. 2022]. Human studies, however, have been reported to indicate the saftey of physterol-fortified foods for the LARGE majority of humans (but not those with a rare disease called sitosterolemia) [Poli et al. 2021Ghaedi et al. 2020Kaur & Myrie 2020]. For example, muscle pains (as sometimes observed with statin treatment) or abnormal liver function were not observed in humans [Cicero et al. 2017]. Nevertheless, some cohort studies have shown a positive association between phytosterol blood levels and adverse outcomes (e.g., heart attack) [Makhmudova et al. 2021].

What about red yeast rice supplements?

Red yeast rice is basically the natural version of statins [Buzzelli et al. 2024]. They contain the same statin molecule (monacolin K, same as Lovastatin). They are effective (up to 15–30% LDL cholesterol reduction) and are often recommended for cholesterol lowering [Buzzelli et al. 2024Mirzai & Laffin 2023, Cicero et al. 2021b] (statins typically lower LDL cholesterol by 25–60%). Muscle pain or liver toxicity seem "to be extremely rare compared to the occurrence with statins, which is rare to common" [Norata & Banach 2024]. Safety concerns relate to batch-to-batch variability in monacolin (statin) content and the potential presence of contaminants [Buzzelli et al. 2024, Mirzai & Laffin 2023]. If these supplements are used, only "approved citrinin-free products" should be taken (citrinin can damage the kidneys [Cicero et al. 2021b]) [Buzzelli et al. 2024].
The 2021 guidelines by the European Atherosclerosis Society state: "Red yeast rice supplements are not recommended and may even cause side-effects." [Visseren et al. 2021]
The 2021 guidelines by the American Heart Association do not mention red yeast rice (or phytosterols) [Lichtenstein et al. 2021].
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has stated: "On the basis of the information available and several uncertainties highlighted in this opinion, the Panel was unable to identify a dietary intake of monacolins from RYR that does not give rise to concerns about harmful effects to health [...]." [EFSA et al. 2018]
In Japan, at least 80 deaths have been reported to be linked to certain red yeast rice supplements [New York Times (28 June 2024)].

Triglyceride levels

This will likely lower your blood triglyceride levels:

Blood triglyceride levels should be measured in fasting blood samples, i.e., your should not eat anything in the morning (it's OK to drink water) and then have a blood sample taken. Only after the blood test, you should eat.
Fasting blood triglyceride levels are considered high if they are >150 mg/dL (i.e., >1.69 mmol/L) or, more strictly, if they are >135 mg/dL (>1.52 mmol/L).
  • Reduce your intake of "free sugars": all types of added sugars (refined sugar, brown sugar, syrups, ...) and foods with a lot of added sugar, syrup, fruit juice concentrate, honey, etc. [Writing Committee et al. 2021]. Keep your fruit juice intake low [Kelly et al. 2021]. Avoid "juice drinks". Avoid sugar-sweetened beverages. Avoid "energy drinks".  
  • Reduce your intake of refined grains (white flour, white bread, white rice, added starch such as cornstarch [maize starch], potato starch, tapioca, etc.).[Marshall et al. 2020].
  • Focus on healthy carbs: whole grains, sweet potatoes, fruit [Buziau et al. 2022], and legumes [Marshall et al. 2020, Chawla et al. 2020].
  • Avoid excessive fruit or dried fruit intake - don't eat "20 bananas a day" [Sun et al. 2023].
  • Make sure you are getting an adequate amount of the plant-based omega-3 fatty acid-rich foods: flaxseed (linseed) oil, ground flaxseeds (linseeds), chia seeds, rapeseed (canola) oil, or walnuts - and consider taking a vegan (microalgae-based) EPA/DHA supplement. For amounts of these foods and the supplement, see here (under point 5). If you follow, all/most the advice here and eat plenty of cold-pressed linseed (flaxseed) oil or cold-pressed rapeseed (canola) oil, it's very uncertain whether a EPA/DHA supplement will be beneficial for your arteries and heart health. In fact, DHA may not be helpful at all (or even harmful) while EPA appears to be helpful - but there are very view (hardly any) vegan EPA-only supplements currently available. And eating plenty of linseed oil (rich in the "short"-chain omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid [ALA]) may increase your EPA blood levels in a similar way to an EPA-only or EPA/DHA supplement. Particularly, for those with high triglyceride levels and a high cardiovascular risk, EPA-only supplements are generally recommended.

This may also lower your triglycerides:

It is also frequently recommended to reduce the intake of alcohol or (if triglycerides are very high) to not drink alcohol at all, to exercise regularly, to lose body weight (body fat), and (if triglycerides are very high) to keep fat intake moderate to low [Writing Committee et al. 2021]. 

More comments

Note: this is not a perfect list. It also mostly just focuses on dietary approaches.

Note: lowering your cholesterol and/or triglycerides is a means to an end, i.e., the goal is to lower cardiovascular disease risk (including the risk of heart attack and stroke). Example: tofu may only have a very modest cholesterol-lowering effect, but at the same time it will also have some other (at least modest) beneficial effects on your arteries. So, it's good for your arteries (and heart and brain) in more than one way. Another example: dark chocolate is relatively high in saturated fatty acids, but, at least if consumed in moderate amounts, it may actually slightly lower cardiovascular disease risk.

Note: there are many things you can do to lower your cardiovascular disease risk. A healthy diet is good but not everything. Don't smoke, of course. But also avoid smoke (passive smoking) and air pollution. Relax more (stress kills), work less (too much work kills), laugh more, move more. Try to also avoid noise pollution (especially at night - use ear plugs if needed) and get some good sleep.

Note: a healthy vegan (or other type of plant-based diet) is beneficial for cardiovascular disease risk - not just in terms of cholesterol-lowering effects. You should make sure to take a vitamin B12 supplement (see here under point 1) because vitamin B12 deficiency will also increase your cardiovascular risk (by increasing homocysteine levels or maybe in other ways).

Note: everyone should make sure to get enough omega-3 fatty acids (see above, and see here under point 5). Linseed (flaxseed) oil is a particularly rich source of plant-source omega-3s.

Note: if your cholesterol and/or cardiovascular disease risk is very high, you may also require cholesterol-lowering medication (statins, ezetimibe, PCSK9 inhibitors, and/or bempedoic acid) - a medical doctor/cardiologist should advise you in this regard. Get nutrition advice from a nutrition scientist. Get medical advice (including blood tests, and diagnosis, if applicable) from a medical doctor. Be aware that some people (a small minority) high what is called familial hypercholesterolemia (called "FH" in medical slang)  - about 1 in 250 or 1 in 300 people have this, roughly. If you have this, you need to take medication (statins etc.) - the most perfect dietary approaches will not be enough. If you do not want to take statins, discuss the possibility of taking "red yeast rice" with your family physician/cardiologist. Red yeast rice bascially contains "natural statins". "Natural" should not be confused with "totally safe". See the note about red yeast rice above.


What is "total cholesterol"? What are other relevant blood markers for cardiovascular disease risk?

Total cholesterol:
Basically, total cholesterol is made up of: LDL cholesterol + HDL cholesterol + remnant cholesterol.
(Common abbreviation for total cholesterol: TC)

Measured LDL cholesterol: 
LDL cholesterol is "bad cholesterol" - really all cholesterol is "bad". Frequently, LDL cholesterol is not actually measured but only calculated (see below). The measured LDL cholesterol value is typically quite a bit higher than the calculated LDL.
(Common abbreviation: LDL-C or LDL-c)

Calculated LDL cholesterol:
See above; bad cholesterol. Calculated LDL is typically calculated with the Friedewald formula, based on total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides: LDL-C ​= ​total cholesterol - HDL cholesterol - (triglycerides/5) for mg/dL ["-" is a minus; "/" is "divided by"] [Pradhan et al. 2020]
(Common abbreviation: LDL-C or LDL-c)

Non-HDL cholesterol:
The term "non-HDL cholesterol" is literally what the name says: "total cholesterol" - "HDL cholesterol" ["-" is a minus].
(Common abbreviation: nonHDL-C or nonHDL-c)
Your doctor will likely not give you this value, but you can calculate it yourself (see above).

Remnant cholesterol:
Again, the name practically says what it is: all the rest apart from LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol. So the calculation is: total cholesterol - LDL cholesterol - HDL cholesterol ["-" is a minus]. I would use the "measured LDL cholesterol" for calculating, if you have it. But basically, the lower the remnant cholesterol is, the better!
Note that this number may be 0 or even negative (lower than 0) because it's just a calculated number.
(Common abbreviation: REM-C or REM-c)
Again, your doctor will likely not give you this value, but you can calculate it yourself (see above).

HDL cholesterol:
This is the so-called "good" cholesterol. But that does not mean "the higher the better". The cholesterol in HDL cholesterol is not good for your arteries at all. It is the HDL particles that carry the HDL cholesterol that can be good. It should be noted that HDL cholesterol levels tend to be a bit lower with a healthy plant-based diet, which is unlikely to be a disadvantage. The reason for this may just be that the HDL functionality is higher (i.e. "the HDL particles work better"). HDL cholesterol levels are not considered a causal factor of atherosclerosis. It is more important to focus on lowering the bad cholesterol, i.e., LDL cholesterol, non-HDL cholesterol, and remnant cholesterol levels.

Note: there are other way to create subgroups of cholesterol (for example, very low density lipoprotein [VLDL], small dense LDL, subtypes of HDL, etc.). But this is less relevant here.

Triglycerides (TAG):
This is not a type of cholesterol. Nothing to calculate - your doctor will give you this number.
Note that with cholesterol values it may not matter too much if you are "in a fasted state" (haven't eaten anything) when the blood sample is taken, except for calculated LDL (as the calculation includes TAG). With TAG, however, this is really important, i.e., you should eat dinner in the evening, then sleep and eat nothing all night long, and then go to your doctor (or whoever takes the blood sample) in the morning. Only after having the blood sample taken, you can eat breakfast. Drinking water or tea beforehand is OK.

How fast can cholesterol levels change?

I would say it makes sense to have your cholesterol levels tested again about two months (but at least four weeks [Nishi et al. 2023Khaw et al. 2018]) after you have made the abovementioned dietary changes. That does not mean that health-promoting changes aren't happening earlier. Beneficial changes might be happening even within a few days or one week [Mazidi et al. 2016].


Note that the numbers your doctor will give you are typically not extremely precise. So you should interpret these values to be a more of a rough estimate.

Official guidelines

Also see the "Heart-Healthy Eating – Plant-Based Style" guidelines (2021) by the National Lipid Association (USA).