Ezi ngcebiso zilandelayo zizikhokelo ngokubanzi malunga noqhelaniso lwakho. Akunyanzelekanga ukuba uzilandele ngeenkcukacha ezincinci.
1) I-Vitamin B12
Khetha ibe nye kwezi zilandelayo onokukhetha kuzo [1–4]:
- 2–5 µg kabini ngemini (ukusuka kukutya okutyetyiswe ngevithamin B12 okanye kwisongezelelo) [5–12]
- 10–50 µg ngosuku ukusuka kwisongezelelo [6,10–15]
- 2000–2500 µg ngeveki kwisongezelelo [7,11,12,16–18]
2) Icalcium
Yidla ubuncinane i-600 mg ye-calcium ngosuku [2,19-28]. Ungakufezekisa oku ngokukhetha nokuba ibe nye kwezi ndlela zilandelayo yonke imihla. Nangona kunjalo, kumazwe amaninzi isincomo se-calcium sijikeleze i-1000 mg. Eli nani liphezulu linokuba ngcono ekukhuseleni amathambo. Ke ngoko, kuyacetyiswa ukuba utye izahlulo ezimbini kolu luhlu lulandelayo ngosuku.
- I-1 iglasi (~ 250 ml) yobisi lwezityalo oluqiniswe nge-vitamin B12, umzekelo, ubisi lwe-soya. Ileyibhile kufuneka ichaze ukuba iqulethe i-120 mg ye-calcium nge-100 ml (njengobisi lwenkomo) [3,23,28-31]. Oku kuya kubonelela malunga ne-300 mg ye-calcium.
- Okunye ukutya okuqiniswe ngekhalsiyam, umzekelo, i-calcium-fortified juice, i-soya yoghurt, i-oats egayiweyo, okanye isonka, esinokubonelela malunga ne-300 mg ye-calcium ngosuku (jonga ileyibhile; iimveliso ezahlukeneyo ziyafumaneka kumazwe ahlukeneyo) [23, 28,30,32]
- I-1 ukuya kwi-2 yekomityi yemifuno eluhlaza eluhlaza eluhlaza:
- pak choi (bok choy)
- "Kenyan kale" / "kale"
- amagqabi e-taro
- amagqabi emoringa
- amagqabi amandongomane
- amagqabi ebhatata
- amagqabi etheniphu
- imifuno yemostade
- ibroccoli [23,28,31]
- ikhaphetshu yeNapa (iphekwe)
- (Isipinatshi kunye ne-chard azikho imithombo ye-calcium efanelekileyo, njengoko i-bioavailability iphantsi.)
- 2 ukuya kwi-3 iikomityi zekhaphetshu yeNapa ekrwada
- 2 ukuya kwi-3 iikomityi ze-okra ephekiweyo
- I-1 indebe ye-tofu eyenziwe nge-calcium sulfate [23,28-31]
- Amanzi eminerali anomxholo ophezulu we-calcium, onokuthi abonelele ubuncinci be-300 mg ye-calcium ngosuku-jonga ileyibhile [33,34]
- ½ ikomityi yamakhiwane omisiweyo + 3 iiorenji [23]
- [6 nixtamized corn (maize) tortillas (Ø ~15 cm) (Ezi zifumaneka eMexico nakumazwe amaninzi akuMbindi Merika afana neGuatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, kunye neCosta Rica.) [35–42]]
Iingcebiso ezisemthethweni zokutya kumazwe amaninzi malunga ne-1000 mg ye-calcium ngosuku [109].
3) Ivithamin D
- Imizuzu eyi-15–30 yelanga elithe ngqo eluswini lwakho yonke imihla ... okanye ngaphezulu kokukhanya kwelanga (umzekelo, 1 okanye 2 iiyure) ngaphantsi rhoqo (umzekelo, amaxesha amaninzi ngeveki). Kuphephe ukugqatswa lilanga ngokugqithisileyo. Kuphephe ukutshiswa lilanga!
- thatha isongezelelo se-vitamin D: ~ 25 µg (~ 1000 IU) i-vitamin D ngosuku ukusuka kwi-supplement [2,3,23,28,43-50].
Musa ukuphepha ilanga ngokupheleleyo nokuba uthatha isongezelelo se-vitamin D yonke imihla. Ukukhanya kwelanga kunezinye izibonelelo zempilo ngaphandle kokuvuselela ukuhlanganiswa kwevithamin D.
"I-Vitamin D ebusika" kuxa umzimba wakho awukwazi ukwenza i-vitamin D ekukhanyeni kwelanga, kwaye oku kuxhomekeke kwindawo ohlala kuyo kule planethi (latitude).
"I-Vitamin D ebusika":
- Phakathi kwe-35 ° emantla kunye ne-35 ° emazantsi (phantse lonke ilizwekazi laseAfrika): Akukho "vitamin D ebusika" konke konke - unokwenza ivithamin D unyaka wonke ukusuka ekukhanyeni kwelanga esikhumbeni sakho [51]
- Phakathi kwe-35 ° kunye ne-40 ° emantla: ngoDisemba noJanuwari
- Phakathi kwe-40 ° kunye ne-50 ° emantla: ngoNovemba ukuya kuFebruwari
- Emantla ka-50 ° emantla: ngo-Oktobha ukuya kuMatshi (okanye ngaphezulu)
- Phakathi kwe-35 ° kunye ne-40 ° emazantsi: ngoJuni noJulayi
- Phakathi kwe-40 ° kunye ne-50 ° emazantsi: ngoMeyi ukuya ku-Agasti
- Emazantsi e-50 ° emazantsi: Epreli ukuya kuSeptemba (okanye ngaphezulu)
4) Iodine
Khetha ibe nye kwezi zilandelayo onokukhetha kuzo [2,3,45,52–60]:
- sebenzisa ityuwa ene-iodine (iitispuni e-1 iqulethe i-40–240 µg ye-iodine - khangela ileyibhile) [61-63]. Kuphephe ukusebenzisa ityuwa eninzi kakhulu.
- 100–150 µg ngosuku ukusuka kwesongezo
- utya ukhula lwaselwandle njenge nori okanye wakame, amaxesha amaninzi ngeveki
5) Omega-3 fatty acids
Khetha enye (okanye umxube wezinto ezininzi) kwezi ndlela (ngaphezulu okanye ngaphantsi) yonke imihla [19,30,64–69]. Ezi ngcebiso zilandelayo zezamadoda - abadla ngokubanzi iikhalori ezininzi.
Kubasetyhini malunga nesibini kwisithathu sale mali sanele.
- ~10 walnuts (~40 g) [64]
- 1–2 iitispuni zeoli yelineed [64]
- 1–2 tablespoons ye-linseeds yomhlaba [64,70,71]
- 1–2 iicephe zembewu ye-chia [69,72-74]
- 1–2 iicephe zeoli yembewu yehemp [64]
- I-¼ yekomityi yembewu ye-hemp
- 2–3 iicephe zeoli yerapeseed [64]
Izindululo ozikhethayo:
Sebenzisa isiqingatha sezi ngcebiso zingentla - kwaye ungeze i-EPA / DHA ye-vegan supplement:
- 200–300 mg EPA / DHA rhoqo kwiintsuku ezimbini okanye ezintathu (okanye yonke imihla ukuba uyathanda) [64,67-69,75-77]
Ubungqina bangoku abubonisi ngokucacileyo ukuba i-vegan eqhelekileyo iya kuxhamla ngokwenene kwi-EPA/DHA izongezo. Inzuzo (umzekelo, kwingqondo okanye kwimpilo yentliziyo) inokwenzeka kodwa ayiqinisekanga kakhulu.
6) Intsimbi
Yidla i-legumes (iimbotyi, iilentile, ukutya kwe-soya, i-chickpeas, i-peanuts) yonke imihla [26,78,79].
Kumadoda, ukunqongophala kwe-iron kunqabile kakhulu. Kwabasetyhini abangaphambi kokuya esikhathini, ukunqongophala kwentsimbi kuqhelekile (ngenxa yokulahlekelwa kwegazi ngexesha lokuya exesheni).
Iingcebiso ezongezelelweyo (ingakumbi kubafazi be-premenopausal):
- Ukutya i-vitamin C ngexesha elifanayo kunye nokutya okutyebileyo kwesinyithi kwandisa ukufunxa kwesinyithi kwimithombo yezityalo [78,80-83].
- Ukusela ikofu okanye iti kunye nokutya kunciphisa ukufunxa kwentsimbi kwimithombo yezityalo [80-84].
- Ukupheka isosi yetumato (okanye ezinye iisosi ezineasidi kancinane) kwizitya zentsimbi eziphosiweyo ziya kutyebisa isosi ngentsimbi [83-86].
7) Zinc
Yidla i-legumes (iimbotyi, iilentile, ukutya kwesoya, ii-chickert), iinkozo ezipheleleyo, namandongomane kunye nembewu yonke imihla [2,30,87,88]. Ziyimithombo emihle ye-zinc.
[8) Selenium]
Khetha (kuphela) ibe nye (hayi zombini) kwezi ndlela zilandelayo [45,89–91]:
- Yitya i-1 okanye i-2 ye-Brazil nuts ngosuku [92-95]. Kodwa musa ukutya isixa esikhulu samandongomane aseBrazil rhoqo.
- Thatha isongezelelo esiqulethe i-50-60 µg (engekho ngaphezulu) ye-selenium ngosuku [92,95-100].
9) iVithamin A (provitamin A)
Yitya kakhulu imifuno enamagqabi aluhlaza, iziqhamo ezinombala o-orenji, kunye nemifuno enombala o-orenji [3,45,105].
Imithombo emikhulu ye-beta-carotene (iprovitamin A) yile, umzekelo: iminqathe ephekiweyo, isiselo sekherothi, ithanga, ibhatata ezinombala o-orenji, imifuno enamagqabi amnyama aluhlaza, iziqhamo ezinombala o-orenji ezifana nemango kunye neepapaya kunye neepepile ezibomvu zentsimbi.
10) Iprotheni
Iprotheyini ibalulekile kwizihlunu ezisempilweni kunye namathambo asempilweni.
- Yidla i-legumes, iinkozo ezipheleleyo, amandongomane kunye nembewu yonke imihla [3,106-108]. I-legumes ziquka iimveliso zesoya (i-tofu, i-tempeh, ubisi lwesoya, umgubo wesoya, njl. njl.), zonke iintlobo zeembotyi, iilentile, ii-ertyisi, nebhotolo yamandongomane. I-pistachios, imbewu ye-hemp, iquinoa, kunye ne-amaranth nazo zinokongeza izixa ezifanelekileyo zeprotheyini ekutyeni kwakho.
- Yidla iikhalori ezaneleyo. Uninzi imifuno engqongqo ("vegans") zitya iikhalori ezaneleyo. Kodwa ukuba awutyi iikhalori ezaneleyo umzimba wakho uya kusebenzisa iprotheyini oyityayo njengeekhalori ("imveliso yamandla"), kwaye unokuphela neprotheyini encinci kwaye ulahlekelwe ubunzima bemisipha.
Ubomi be-vegan obunempilo
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Xhosa, IsiXhosa