In Stamford Hill you can find one of my favourite places on earth: "Tasti Pizza"
Im Nordlondoner Bezirk Stamford Hill wohnt Europas größte jüdisch-orthodoxe Gemeinde; und deshalb findet man hier entsprechend kosheres Essen.
En el barrio londinense Stamford Hill vive una gran comunidad de judíos ortodoxos. Por eso se pueden encontrar ciertos productos veganos especiales. ¡"Tasti Pizza" es el mejor lugar para comer falafel en Londres!

Mango in Hebrew
Jugo de mango

Falafel £2.70
Choose your own toppings. Apparently nothing at Tasti Pizza contains eggs, but they do use dairy (and have fish). Choose from all kinds of vegetables, pickles, chili sauce, hummus and tahini sauce.
Bei Tasti Pizza ist alles ohne Ei, aber Milchprodukte werden verwendet (und Fisch). Falafel, Pittabrot, Pickles, Chilisoße, Hummus und Tahinisoße sind alle vegan.
En Tasti Pizza usan lácteos (y pescado), pero no usan huevos. Pero el falafel, pan pita, los pickles, la salsa de chile, el hummus y la salsa de tahini son veganos.

For the first time we tried pizza as the pizzas smelled great! The base and sauce are vegan and we could choose the toppings. It was about £6.00, it was all right but not great. Buy more falafel!
Der Pizzateig und die Tomatensoße sind vegan. Die Pizza war OK, die Falafel ist aber viel besser (und billiger!).
No recomiendo comprar la pizza. ¡El falafel es mucho mejor y más barato!

Most of the vegan biscuits seem to have disappeared from the shelves of Berry's. There used to be a big kosher supermarket across the street called Moses Supermarket, but that closed many years ago. Berry's still have some vegan chocolate spread (black&white!), some biscuits and some nice vegan chocolate.
Kleine Ausbeute aus dem kleinen Berry's.
Galletas veganas con chips de chocolate de la tienda Berry's.

Egg Stores (!) down the road towards Stoke Newington, bigger and a bit more.
Vegane Kekse usw. aus The Egg Stores
Galletas, helado y gomitas ácidas veganas del Egg Stores.

Im Nordlondoner Bezirk Stamford Hill wohnt Europas größte jüdisch-orthodoxe Gemeinde; und deshalb findet man hier entsprechend kosheres Essen.
En el barrio londinense Stamford Hill vive una gran comunidad de judíos ortodoxos. Por eso se pueden encontrar ciertos productos veganos especiales. ¡"Tasti Pizza" es el mejor lugar para comer falafel en Londres!

Mango in Hebrew
Jugo de mango
Falafel £2.70
Choose your own toppings. Apparently nothing at Tasti Pizza contains eggs, but they do use dairy (and have fish). Choose from all kinds of vegetables, pickles, chili sauce, hummus and tahini sauce.
Bei Tasti Pizza ist alles ohne Ei, aber Milchprodukte werden verwendet (und Fisch). Falafel, Pittabrot, Pickles, Chilisoße, Hummus und Tahinisoße sind alle vegan.
En Tasti Pizza usan lácteos (y pescado), pero no usan huevos. Pero el falafel, pan pita, los pickles, la salsa de chile, el hummus y la salsa de tahini son veganos.
For the first time we tried pizza as the pizzas smelled great! The base and sauce are vegan and we could choose the toppings. It was about £6.00, it was all right but not great. Buy more falafel!
Der Pizzateig und die Tomatensoße sind vegan. Die Pizza war OK, die Falafel ist aber viel besser (und billiger!).
No recomiendo comprar la pizza. ¡El falafel es mucho mejor y más barato!
Most of the vegan biscuits seem to have disappeared from the shelves of Berry's. There used to be a big kosher supermarket across the street called Moses Supermarket, but that closed many years ago. Berry's still have some vegan chocolate spread (black&white!), some biscuits and some nice vegan chocolate.
Kleine Ausbeute aus dem kleinen Berry's.
Galletas veganas con chips de chocolate de la tienda Berry's.
Egg Stores (!) down the road towards Stoke Newington, bigger and a bit more.
Vegane Kekse usw. aus The Egg Stores
Galletas, helado y gomitas ácidas veganas del Egg Stores.