
Hope of deliverance: is Mankai duckweed a good source of vitamin B12 for vegans?

Cinco preguntas con Jack Norris (Vegan Outreach)

Are vegan diets good for everything ... but bad for your bones?

Wie Karl Kraus Rosa Luxemburg und die Büffel verteidigte (1920)

Vitamin D and COVID-19: surviving the times

Рекомендации по питанию для веганов (Russian)

Leonard Nelson: "liberal socialist", vegetarian, and animal rights advocate (1926)

Leonard Nelson: Lebensnähe (1926)

Fünf Fragen mit Jack Norris (Vegan Outreach)

Five questions with Jack Norris

B12 is safe.

Lenin on Tolstoy's vegetarianism - and Chekhov's "learn, learn, learn"